109學年度 第1學期 行事曆 【與研究生相關】
109學年度 第1學期 行事曆 【與研究生相關】
Schedule for Fall Semester 2020-2021 (Graduate related)
109學年度行事曆下載Download 2020-2021 Academic Calendar
109學年度 第1學期 行事曆 【與研究生相關】
日期Date |
說明Event |
8.3 |
研究生新生註冊日 New graduate students registration and review academic credentials |
8.13 |
預選課階段(8.26預選課結束) Preliminary course selection begins (ends on August 26) |
8.26 |
新舊生向銀行繳交學雜費截止 Due day of tuition/miscellaneous fees application to bank |
8.31 |
第一階段加退選開始First stage course-adding/drop begins |
9.4 |
暑假結束 Summer vacation ends 109-1 註冊、復學申請截止 Registration ends, Application for return to school ends 第一階段加退選結束(12:00) First stage course-adding/drop ends(till 12:00 noon) 第二階段加退選開始(20:00) Second stage course-adding/drop begins(till 8:00pm) |
9.7 |
開學日(本學期上課開始)Fall semester begins, First day of school. 研究生博士學位候選人申請資格考核申請開始 Application for assessment of doctoral candidate qualification begins 研究生學位論文考試申請開始 Application for thesis examination begins (for graduate students) 學生英文畢業門檻開始收件 Application for English graduation threshold |
9.14 |
第二階段加退選結束(12:00) Second stage course-adding/drop ends (till 12:00 noon) |
9.18 |
抵免學分申請截止(新生及轉學生適用) Application for credit transfer ends (only for freshman and transfer students) 研究生博士班候選人資格考核申請截止 Application for the assessment of doctoral candidate qualification ends (for Ph.D. students) |
9.26 |
補行上班上課(10/2彈性放假) Make-up work/class (Adjust holiday on Friday, Octobor 2) |
10.1 |
中秋節(放假一日)Moon Festival (holiday) 博二生上網維護指導教授名單開始 The second year of Ph.D degree maintain the list of advisor online begins (ends on October 31) |
10.2 |
彈性放假一日(9/26補行上班上課) Extended Holiday |
10.9 |
國慶紀念日適逢週六補假一日 Extended Holiday |
10.10 |
國慶紀念日 The National Day (holiday) |
10.16 |
慶祝66周年校慶暨運動會 University Anniversary (no class) 本學期上課達學期三分之一 Class should reach one-third of this semester |
10.30 |
博二生上網維護指導教授名單截止 The second year of Ph.D degree maintain the list of advisor online ends 研究生學位論文考試申請截止 Application for thesis examination ends |
11.2~11.6 |
本學期第9周(含期中考周) Mid-term examination period (Ninth week of the semester) |
11.27 |
本學期上課達學期三分之二 Class should reach two-third of this semester |
12.31 |
第1學期休學申請截止 Due day for drop-out application |
110.1.1 |
開國紀念日(放假一日) National Founding Day (holiday) |
1.4~1.8 |
第1學期最後一周(含期末考周) Final examination period (The last week of the semester) |
1.11 |
寒假開始Winter vacation begins |
1.25 |
預選課開始 Preliminary course selection begins (ends on January 31) |
1.31 |
第1學期結束 Fall semester ends 研究生學位論文考試結束 Examination for graduate student thesis ends 博士學位候選人資格考核結束 Assessment of doctoral candidate qualification ends |